Monday, November 26, 2012

Post Thanksgiving

Well I had a busy Thanksgiving this year... By far more busy than past years.

Started out by meeting some of the boyfriends (Mister Wonderful) family friends. Before they got there we had a shot of whiskey for Mister Wonderfuls son who I will call Golden Boy and my mother and father. Golden Boy passed away a few months ago an this is the first holiday since his passing. We had a few Guinness with them and got to know each other a bit. I don't know how I was so nervous going into meeting them but damn was I ever! Best line of the day came from the husband, who like my man is originally from England, "So, are you a local girl?" To which I answered yes. "So do you have any tattoos?" (He pronounces ta-oooos) Again, I answered yes. He comes back at me with, "Good, I only speak to tattooed women. That's why I'm not speaking to my wife today." You can imagine we got along quite well.

From there I went with Mister Wonderful to meet his mother and her family. His grandfather was wearing an NRA hat!!! Yeah gpa! All went well with his family. Then I was off to see my oldest brother. We met him and my fathers friends at a local bar and a had a drink. All was going great that day. Until my brother followed us to the next bar. Now like I said, this is the first holiday since Golden boy passed so you can imagine it was not an easy day! Mister Wonderful, his cousin and I all had a break down moment when we had another shot for Golden Boy. Well the three of us all drank too much that night.

Now don't worry, no one was arrested and we all got home safe. Happy holidays!

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